Saturday, November 13, 2010


I volunteered for union of concerned scientists against 23 and 26. My experience was that of "preaching to the choir". I had few hang ups but was able to persuade about a dozen people over the course of a few hours. It was an easy story to tell. When you have clear message: which is "we" "the people" will not allow commercial concerns to rule us through use of bribery, intimidation and misinformation. These interests are motivated only by their own profit; nothing esle.

Time to face some elementary facts of political life. THEY LIE! Be aware! Be circumspect! Misinformation is happening to you now. The dems are limp and ineffectual. The republicans are off the deep ultra right edge and you won't see any truth from them. Unless you search on your own for the truth which is obscured by political smoke from everywhere, you will be misinformed. BBC is good place to start. Don't rely on the regular news outlets unless you've corroborated a story with at least 2 other sources. Especially be skeptical of any news on the web and Fox. Be very aware of the headlines. Be scepitcal. Cautious not paranoid.

Mr. Obama, youv'e turned into a wimp. Any response?

This election remined me just how fragile the american political system is. Its future is in limbo. What, exactly is at is at risk.? Won't get into that now but it comes down to: Are you going to let anybody take your property, mineral and air rights and make you pay for it with your money by political and legal trickery and then the crooks tell you to have you thank them for it? Brutish tactics are the preferred tactic on the right.  Watch and be aware. " The times, they are a'changin'".

Regards,Paul aka muk_raker

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Screw me.

I'm just wondering what will happen to liberals after this midterm. It's all the buzz on the cable networks. It's US versus THEM. That's it. It's come down to that. Not a liberal American and a conservative American. Now if your not conservative, you're not American. Does anyone else see the problem here.

Of course you do, if you're a thinking, reasoning person. Apparently, there are none of those on Fox. 

I believe it was Pulitzer who was quoted as saying, "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story". I've probably botched the quote but you get the idea.

Low information voters are the preferred choice of weapon in this war. I see the progressives as the last bastion of hope in this country. It's obvious that the right has sold completely out to Fox and that kind of fascistic journalism. 

America, if you elect Sara Palin or some other half baked candidate, you will get exactly what you deserve; another 4-8 years of GWB.

At first there will be this great gushing rush of empowerment. Wow, we're in congress. From then on the whole picture will change for the worse quick. Aside from talking about the constitution, the tea party really hasn't read the thing.  I have a link on my computer with the full text which I read from time to time just to make sure that my understanding was correct. Each time I read it, it makes me wonder what document the tea party is reading. 

So much to do three days before the election. I volunteer for the no on prop 23 and 26 to stop Texas oil money from ruining our clean environment laws. Seems money is the only equalizer. So what's new and why should I be surprised? Dunno, just guess I'm stupid. I keep expecting different results from the same old formula.

Don't forget! VOTE VOTE VOTE

shit on a shingle

Screw this foul thing. I just wrote the best comment and the f*54lking thing lost it. Well too bad for humanity. heh heh. I don't have it in me to write it again besides, I'm the only one who reads this fuking joke anyway.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dog Days of September

Hiya kids, hi ya hi ya, Most of you are too young to remember that cry. It meant the Saturday morning tv was on. It was the call of Andy Devine and his creation "Froggie". "Hi ya kid hi ya hi ya. What's new this morning Mr.Froggie?"
Phew! Made it through another week of school, wasn't in trouble with my parents and life was good. Simple but good.

We weren't rich but I never went hungry and I got a lot of treats like ice cream sundaes, soda. As I said, life was good .

Then ba ba bump bump bum bahhhh. The sound of it all going to shit.

Tune in next week kiddies when uncle Paul will rant on further.

I hope all is well for you all. I got so sick on Monday I had to go to St. Francis; fever, vomiting, stomach felt like something was scraping it from the inside, fever (oh yea I already said that). I feel much better tonight. The MDs couldn't diagnose whatever it was what with cat scans, culures, ekg. O2 and Demerol. I began to feel better after 8 or 10 hours. More on my exciting life next time y'all.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Boy/Girl, you're gonna hate this

Allow me to write a quick version of US history. 

Ships arrived here from the imperialistic countries of the "enlightend age", wanting to expand their influence and coffers. At the time of their arrival they aggitated the native popluations. One of which anihilated the new commers because they wanted to take over. The indians were pissed off. Can you blame them?

Next we find the philosophy of "emminent domain". In other words, It's all mine, God said so. After basically exterminated any native opposition, we raped the land, enslaved the people and declared war on anyone who didn't agree with them.

When, after distressing growing pains, the rich, having bought anything they wanted including the votes of working people across America. Some would say bought the souls of their enemies.

Now, the populace is confused. They can't even discern the truth even when it is presented with factual backing and compassion.

That's enough for today.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just another boring Sunday in the News

Don't you just love it, when on a Sunday morning all the political talk shows are on.and when you see the news and it's all just so lovie dovie wonderful.     B o r i n g...
even though 20 million people in Pakistan are drowning. It's Sunday, go ahead... relax. I don't intend to excite you. I just want to see more reasonable people talking, that's all.

BEWARE! (I love saying that) That's all. Remember that what you're seeing and the degree with which you see it is all managed from a news director's desk somewhere. Your new is being edited in a way which would make Walter Chronkite barf. Hell, I  wanna barf. Don't you?

Look around the internet. Go to Duetschwelle, BBC, even Yahoo news. AP, UP, Reuters; these are decent news sources that you can (I was gonna say trust) well, endure. They do actual reporting. Their focus is reporting not editing or subsidizing some political doctrine.

Well, kids, enough said for today.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Now's not the time and not the Brown

I do remember Jerry. He came through our pre-parenting class which was held in the same building where he had a residence. He was the governor. Yea, it was a big woop, for about 12 seconds until we returned to deep breathing.

Back in the 60 thru 80s he was ok but, aside from being controversial, he was...ok. He was a true Liberal. He was. But things change. Now he doesn't get that most of the people going to the polls this Nov will be going to insure that their access to pot is widened and secured. This matters more to most people than whether Jerry and Meg. They keep getting us into more problems; they know it and we the people know it. (That's not really true but we don't need more worries about the ATF coming. He's blowing off a hell of lot of supporters. Not that any one on the scene today would be able to pull CA from it's woes. Hear me Meg. (Vouchers again Mommie? You bet, son. Where's my purse.)

Let's let the adults get something positive done this cycle.

Push back against all Republican fear mongering and sword rattling. Help to restore a reasonable psychic climate; compassionate, considerate and giving.

Give Obama a break. I'm disappointed, as many are. However, he's done a lot. Besides, we don't have a choice for another 2 yrs, do we? I can't see anything positive from any republican, anywhere. Can you? Republicans can't and don't understand the idea of "promoting the public welfare".

Speak up! Does anybody hear me. Anywhere?

Don't let the enthusiasm, or lack of it, from the democrats wear off on you either. They are a in a malaise from which the outcome they desire can't be obtained. In other words, they're gutless. Yep, no balls. Don't know why. It seems to be a trait resulting from the installment ceremony or something. As soon as their sworn in, they can't remember how to tell anyone to do anything. It's like a spell comes over them. The last time I really remember a democrat pushing his weight around was LBJ; not my favorite guy BUT he could get things done. Remember the photograph of him giving the "Johnson treatment" to some poor Senator; right in his face, literally.

Enough for today, my children. Think of Paul Revere riding his horse on a cool, clear New England evening dreaming of:
What's your dream?


This sight isn't so bad. Look up to the upper right corner and you'll see a "New Post" link. Have at it. You don't need to log in or sign up. OK?

You can leave posts here, and, of course, you can say something about clean water and legal marijuana if you wish. Thanks.

The good, the bad and the ugly of this web page

It's not hard to post here. Just look up to the upper right hand corner of the page and you'll see a link that says post, so I posted BUT, I had to log in to a mail account and that's not the process I wanted. So, be patient and I'll find a better forum with an easier to use format OK? I hope so, no one should have to log in so you can post on a page you're all ready on. So, Sorry for the inconvenience, my bad. Email me would be the best way to communicate for now. Fast and direct. or

Sometime, when one encounters many obstacles at the beginning, it portends a great outcome. Let's hope that is the case here. heh heh,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Due to the current climate for the advancement of legal Marajuana

I'm going to be spending my energies evangelizing for Legal Marijuana!
The current attention being brought to this issue is finally, after many long years of countering the government's anti Marijuana propaganda, we have an outstanding opportunity to bring this issue to the kitchen tables of America, now.