Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just another boring Sunday in the News

Don't you just love it, when on a Sunday morning all the political talk shows are on.and when you see the news and it's all just so lovie dovie wonderful.     B o r i n g...
even though 20 million people in Pakistan are drowning. It's Sunday, go ahead... relax. I don't intend to excite you. I just want to see more reasonable people talking, that's all.

BEWARE! (I love saying that) That's all. Remember that what you're seeing and the degree with which you see it is all managed from a news director's desk somewhere. Your new is being edited in a way which would make Walter Chronkite barf. Hell, I  wanna barf. Don't you?

Look around the internet. Go to Duetschwelle, BBC, even Yahoo news. AP, UP, Reuters; these are decent news sources that you can (I was gonna say trust) well, endure. They do actual reporting. Their focus is reporting not editing or subsidizing some political doctrine.

Well, kids, enough said for today.

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