Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dog Days of September

Hiya kids, hi ya hi ya, Most of you are too young to remember that cry. It meant the Saturday morning tv was on. It was the call of Andy Devine and his creation "Froggie". "Hi ya kid hi ya hi ya. What's new this morning Mr.Froggie?"
Phew! Made it through another week of school, wasn't in trouble with my parents and life was good. Simple but good.

We weren't rich but I never went hungry and I got a lot of treats like ice cream sundaes, soda. As I said, life was good .

Then ba ba bump bump bum bahhhh. The sound of it all going to shit.

Tune in next week kiddies when uncle Paul will rant on further.

I hope all is well for you all. I got so sick on Monday I had to go to St. Francis; fever, vomiting, stomach felt like something was scraping it from the inside, fever (oh yea I already said that). I feel much better tonight. The MDs couldn't diagnose whatever it was what with cat scans, culures, ekg. O2 and Demerol. I began to feel better after 8 or 10 hours. More on my exciting life next time y'all.

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